What are retainers
Most patient,s once they reach the end of their active orthodontic treatment, are keen to embrace their new smile without the restrictions of braces or aligners. We totally understand, however, active treatment should always be followed by retention – a phase that involves ongoing maintenance of the work that’s been done.
At Specialty Orthodontics, we believe this phase is as important as the treatment itself. Yes, that’s right. Care and maintenance is a life-long work in progress if you want to keep that smile you’ve invested in.
In our practice, we take a 3D scan of your teeth at the conclusion of active braces or aligner treatment. From this scan, we print a 3D model and make you a “Trutain” retainer. This is a thin, clear and removable retainer which is to be worn nightly. You can also opt for a fixed wire retainer as well as the removable Trutain for added security. The retainer is inserted during a separate appointment, and in most cases, needs to be worn indefinitely.
Learn more about orthodontic treatment and post treatment retainers when you book an appointment at Specialty Orthodontics.